White Oak | 4501 S Laburnum Ave, Suite 540
(804) 737-2403

Sandston | 43 West Williamsburg Road
(804) 737-7402

Mechanicsville | 7575 Cold Harbor Rd Suite 1C
(804) 730-1424


Benefits of Using an Electric Toothbrush

Electric toothbrushes are just one more tool you can use at home to keep your smile healthy between professional cleanings. Except for a few leaps in design over the last 3,000 years, toothbrushes haven’t changed much since ancient Babylonians chewed on the end of

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When is it Smart to Remove Wisdom Teeth?

Some dentists are rethinking automatically extracting wisdom teeth, but in some cases, keeping your wisdom teeth just isn’t that wise. When you are born, all your baby teeth are developed and waiting below the gum to start popping through when you

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Heart Health and the Dental Connection

February is American Heart Month! What does heart health have to do with oral health? Evidence suggests… a lot! Science has found two very distinct links between a person’s oral health and heart health. Signs of heart disease may be noticeable

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Are Veneers Right for You?

Veneers can be a simple, non-invasive way to change your smile’s shape and look while preserving valuable tooth structure.  If you’re looking for a non-invasive way to improve the shape of your smile, veneers might be the choice for you. Veneers

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Scientists Prove Human Ancestors Drank Milk

Scientists have spent decades studying ancient paintings on cave walls that depict animals being milked in an attempt to find evidence of dairy consumption. They have even found traces of dairy fat in pots. But scientists have never been able to

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Beautiful Smiles Depend on Healthy Gums

Gums hold your smile in place, keep them healthy with a few simple steps! Your oral health goes beyond just teeth. Gums play a big part in a healthy and beautiful smile. They help protect your teeth and the underlying bone

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