White Oak | 4501 S Laburnum Ave, Suite 540
(804) 737-2403

Sandston | 43 West Williamsburg Road
(804) 737-7402

Mechanicsville | 7575 Cold Harbor Rd Suite 1C
(804) 730-1424


A Healthy Tongue, Makes for a Healthy Mouth

Having a healthy tongue is just as important as maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Signs of an Unhealthy Tongue: Tongues play a crucial role in your oral function. Without your tongue it would be essentially impossible to speak, eat, and taste

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Risky Dental Habits to Ditch

Maintain a healthy smile by ditching these unhealthy habits. It is never too late to start bettering yourself. Many individuals focus on improving their eating or fitness to try to live a healthier lifestyle. However, focusing on breaking a few poor

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Combat Pediatric Tooth Decay

Fight Against Tooth Decay with Preventive Pediatric Dental Treatments.  Cavities are the most common chronic pediatric disease. Tooth decay doesn’t have to be inevitable. Preventive pediatric dental treatments combined with excellent oral hygiene can help your child maintain a healthy, cavity-free

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Ouch! What Causes Sensitive Teeth?

Discover what causes tooth sensitivity, common treatments, and how to prevent it.  The holiday season is just around the corner! Don’t let enjoying a hot cocoa by the fire be ruined by nagging sensitive teeth. Discover the underlying cause of tooth

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What to do During a Dental Emergency?

Dental emergencies tend to happen when you least expect them. Knowing what to do in a dental emergency could be the difference between saving a tooth and losing one. Learn about common dental emergencies and how to handle them properly.  Knocked-Out

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Best Foods for Healthy Smiles

It is a well-known fact that a high sugar diet increases a child’s risk for tooth decay. However, did you know there are particular types of foods that prevent tooth decay? Certain foods can help strengthen or even restore weakened enamel.

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Seamless Tooth Replacements

Missing teeth are more than just a cosmetic concern. Gaps in your smile can make simple daily necessities, such as speaking and chewing, a daunting task. Missing teeth also affects the bone density of the jaws, causes other teeth to shift,

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Bad Breath Culprits

Essentially everyone has experienced a sour smell secreting from their mouth. Not only does it leave a yucky taste in your mouth, but it can also be embarrassing when talking to a friend or co-worker. Bad breath happens for various reasons,

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Fluoride: Nature’s Cavity Fighter

You have likely heard a dentist tell you about how fundamental fluoride is for your teeth. However, you may be curious how beneficial fluoride really is to your smile. Learn about fluoride and easy ways to ensure you always receive enough

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If you are looking for comprehensive dentistry, quality treatments, and exceptional customer service, you're in the right place.