White Oak | 4501 S Laburnum Ave, Suite 540
(804) 737-2403

Sandston | 43 West Williamsburg Road
(804) 737-7402

Mechanicsville | 7575 Cold Harbor Rd Suite 1C
(804) 730-1424


Your Dream Smile is Waiting

Summer is just around the corner, the season of weddings, festivals, vacations, and family gatherings! Get ready for all your exciting events by revamping your smile. Cosmetic dentistry can help you reach all your smile goals.  Teeth Whitening: One of the

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Orthodontic Emergency Preparation

It is impossible to predict when an orthodontic emergency is going to happen. However, you can ensure you are prepared for an emergency if it ever happens.  Although brackets and wires are securely attached to the teeth, biting into certain foods

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Gum Disease: Causes, Signs & Risks

Gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss among adults. It is a chronic infection that damages gum tissue and can potentially destroy the jaw bone. However, since this condition is typically painless, many individuals go years without receiving a

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Easing Dental Fears

Does the thought of going to the dentist make you sweat? Are you putting off dental treatments due to fear? Dental anxiety affects millions of people. One study found that over 60% of individuals struggle with dental fear. However, nerves should never have

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Oral Care When Sick

Cold and flu season is just around the corner! Despite our best efforts, sometimes it can be impossible to avoid getting sick. When it comes to your smile, there are a few special considerations to take next time you catch a

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Post-Filling Tooth Pain

Filling a cavity is supposed to stop tooth pain, right? But what if you are still experiencing sensitivity after your treatment? Sensitivity is a common side effect of dental fillings that typically alleviates quickly after the procedure. Extreme discomfort is not

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Do Dentures Affect Nutrition?

Denture-wearers should pay close attention to their nutrition intake. Research found that denture patients have lower nutrition markers than before using dentures.  Dentures could impact nutrition more than patients may realize. Since dentures do not have the same chewing efficiency as

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Healthy Snack Choices for Healthy Teeth

Nutrition and Oral Health Just like a healthy body, a healthy smile also relies on good nutrition. A healthy, balanced diet with lots of vitamins and nutrients is a key part of having a healthy mouth, and a healthy mouth supports

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If you are looking for comprehensive dentistry, quality treatments, and exceptional customer service, you're in the right place.